Frequently Asked Questions

  1. ¿Do I need to live in the United States to invest in Tax Liens or Tax Deeds? 


  2. ¿Does each state have different rules for paying taxes and redemption deadlines?

    Yes, each state establishes the conditions.

  3. ¿Is the property free of mortgage when it goes to auction?

    Yes, if you have had a mortgage, it will be eliminated for the new owner or investor.

  4. ¿If the property was rented after the foreclosure, does the investor not have the right to the property until the contract has expired?

    Applies only in some states

  5. ¿Are the possibilities of investing in Tax liens and Tax Deeds to obtain a property few?

    False, every year property owners in the United States must pay taxes and it is estimated that between 30% and 40% do not do so, which provides the opportunity to choose to buy debt.

Every day you postpone the decision to invest is a day wasted to achieve your goals.

Our mission

At 7 Stars Investments LLC we maximize investment opportunities and profitability through the acquisition of properties with tax debts. We expand the investment certainty of the company and its partners through the acquisition of various properties, reducing global risk.

Our vision

Provide our partners with safe and profitable investment opportunities in the Tax Liens and Tax Deeds investment market. Aspiring to transform distressed properties into valuable assets. We offer quality education and resources to empower our partners, fostering a culture of transparency, innovation and continuous growth.